Martina Gleeson
Sherard Street, Dublin 1
2017 - 2021
Dublin City Council
'Treat YO-SELF' is an artwork that promotes self-indulgence. It's an image to remind people to take it easy and be nice to yourself, especially if you are having a bad day after work or just a bad day, take a step back, relax and treat yourself to something nice, get yourself that ice cream cone you want and screw the diet, get that new pair of shoes, why not? TREAT YO-SELF! I would like to place this artwork in a busy area near a park or built-up office area, either type of place because I think you need to be reminded where ever you are, to treat yourself.
Martina is a painter and illustrator from Limerick. She studied Fine Art Painting in the Limerick School of Art and Design and has an MA in illustration from the UK. Martina was awarded the Tom Fox Award for Painting in 2014.Martina works both traditionally and digitally. She has written and illustrated her own books for kids and young adults where her main material is the driving force in the story, that material being humour. Martina calls upon humour to feature in most of her work to communicate her ideas and observations in order to tell the story of our common ground as people.